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The extent and seriousness of English functional illiteracy exceeds your worst NIGHTMARE,
but the very simple, proven solution is far easier than you would ever DARE TO DREAM!

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1. Definition of Functional Illiteracy
2. Extent of the Problem
3. Why We Do Not See the Extent of the Problem
4. Seriousness of the Problem
5. English Spelling Confuses Everyone
6. the Solution in a Nutshell
7. The Obvious Solution Never Tried
8. Characteristics of NuEnglish
9. Spelling Reform is the Only Proven, Easy Solution to English Illiteracy
10. Learn to Read Now!
11. All Reasonable Objections to Spelling Reform Have Been Debunked
12. Twelve Serious Linguistic Problems With English Spelling

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The Good News of John (in NuEnglish)

U [A] Sirēus Problum, Ēzilē Solvd

If thu man ub*uv iz u funkshunul i-liturut, hē in-dēd haz u laung rōd u-hed: KidsRead līk mōst Um*erikunz [Americans], hē kan rēd 1 ōr 2,000 simpul wurdz hē lurnd in thu 1st 3 grādz in skūl, but hē kan not rēd wel en*uf tu hōld an ub*uv-povurtē-levul-wāj job and tu ttrīv in our prezunt komplikātud and teknō-lojiklē-ōrēentud kulchur. Rēding, uv kōrs, iz thu found*āshun uv nirlē aul lurning — nesesarē fōr sux*es in klas-wurk, hōm-wurk, and testing.

Thu good nūz iz that mōst big*ining rēdurz uv nōrmul int*elujuns kan ēzilē lurn tu rēd Ingglish flūuntlē in 2 ōr 3 wēks — hwen it iz speld fōn*ēmiklē witt thu revōl*ūshunarē speling sistum kauld NūIngglish! And prezunt flūunt rēdurz kan lurn thu NūIngglish speling sistum in les than 10 minuts! Bi-fōr bēing wiling tu chānj tu NūIngglish, hou-evur, mōst pēpul must 1st bē kunv*inst (1) that thu problum iz verē sirēus, (2) that absōl*ūtlē nu-tting dun in thu last 150 yirz haz stat*istiklē sign*ifikuntlē impr*ūvd thu litrusē rāt in Ingglish (hwich iz ēzilē prūvubul), and (3) that NūIngglish wil in-dēd solv thu problum. That iz thu purpus uv this web-sīt.

Bi-lō, in kun-denst fōrm, or thē imp*ōrtunt fakts u-bout thu problum and its sōl*ūshun. Thu trūtt uv ēch uv thēz fakts iz prūvun in pājuz in thu left-hand kolum.

Thu Problum

1. Defin*ishun uv Funkshunul I-litrusē Thu mōst akyurut defin*ishun uv funkshunul i-litrusē iz thē in-ub*ilitē tu rēd and rīt wel en*uf tu hōld an ub*uv-povurtē-levul-wāj job.

2. Ext*ent uv thu Problum U shoking 48.7% uv U.S. ud*ults or funkshunullē i-liturut. Sum uv yur frendz ōr us*ōsēuts or probublē funkshunullē i-liturut witt-out yur noluj. An estimātud 600 milyun uv thu mōr than 1.3 bilyun Ingglish-spēking pēpul u-round thu wurld or funkshunullē i-liturut in Ingglish. At lēst 31.2% uv thu funkshunul i-lituruts in thu U.S. or in povurtē and or mōr than twīs az līklē tu bē in povurtē az u rez*ult uv thar i-litrusē az fōr aul uthur rēzunz kumb*īnd.

3. Hwī Wē Dō Not Sē thē Ext*ent uv thu Problum Wē dū not sē thē u-mount uv i-litrusē and povurtē in ītum 2 bi-kuz funkshunul i-lituruts or verē good at hīding thar i-litrusē, bi-kuz mōst funkshunul i-lituruts hav mōr than 1 empl*oid ud*ult in thu familē, bi-kuz mōst lō-in-kum familēz res*ēv us*istuns frum guvurnmunt ājunsēz, familē, frendz, and charitēz, and fōr uthur rēzunz expl*ānd on pāj 3 in thu rīt-hand kolum.

4. Sirēusnus uv thu Problum Funkshunul i-lituruts must konstuntlē en-dur sirēus fizikul, mentul, em*ōshunul, medikul, and fin*anchul problumz. Wē wood kuns*idur thēz problumz u krīsis if wē had tu en-dur them. Funkshunul i-lituruts kan not purf*ōrm menē uv thu simpul tasks nēdud tu funkshun wel in our komplikātud and inkr*ēsinglē teknō-lojikul kulchur — tasks that wē tāk fōr grantud.

5. Ingglish Speling Kun-fyūzuz Evrē-1 Ingglish speling iz bī for thu mōst i-lojikul, in-kuns*istunt, and kā*otik speling uv enē uv thu langgwujuz komunlē kuns*idurd az alfub*etik. Ingglish speling iz not trūlē an alfub*etik rīting sistum.

Thu Sōl*ūshun

6. Thu Sōl*ūshun in u Nut-shel Dr. Frank C. Laubok [Laubach] went aul u-round thu wurld tēching ud*ult i-lituruts in mōr than 300 alfub*etik langgwujuz tu rēd flūuntlē. Hē prūvd that if wē speld Ingglish fōn*ēmiklē wē kood lurn tu rēd in les than 3 muntts.

7. Thu Obvēus Sōl*ūshun Nevur Trīd Aul-thō ther hav ben menē prōp*ōzd speling ref*ōrmz fōr Ingglish ōvur thu last 3 senchurēz, ther haz nevur ben u sistum*atik speling ref*ōrm uv aul Ingglish speling.

8. Karuktur*istiks uv NūIngglish Thu nū, brāk-ttrū speling sistum kauld NūIngglish iz thē ōnlē prōp*ōzd speling ref*ōrm that haz u purfekt 1 speling tu 1 fōnēm kō-resp*onduns and that iz sīunt*ifiklē dez*īnd tu yūz thu mōst-yūzd speling in trud*ishunul speling uv ēch fōnēm az much az posubul (29 uv thu 38 fōnēmz — 76% uv thu spelingz) ōr thu speling that pēpul exp*ekt (fōr 8 uv thu 38 – 21% uv them) and shōz thu prīmarē axent in ēch wurd (nōing plāsmunt uv thē axent ādz kuns*idurublē in qiklē rēding u wurd).

9. NūIngglish Iz thē Ōnlē Prūvun and Ef*ektiv Sōl*ūshun Ēvun in thē un-līklē ev*ent that sum-1 dev*īzuz u tēching sistum that tēchuz evrē stūdunt hū iz not sev*irlē mentullē handēkapt tu rēd trud*ishunullē-speld Ingglish, it wil stil req*īr at lēst 2 yirz fōr mōst stūdunts tu lurn en*uf wurdz 1-at-u-tīm bī rōt memurē ōr bī rep*ētud yūs tu bē funkshunullē liturut. This iz 2 yirz in hwich stūdunts in evrē alfub*etik langgwuj uthur than Ingglish or geting u-hed uv Ingglish-spēking stūdunts.

10. Lurn tu Rēd Nou! Enē-1 ex*ept thu mōst sirēuslē mentullē handēkapt kan lurn tu rēd NūIngglish in les than 3 muntts — pur-haps much les! Mōst uv thōz hū lurn tu rēd trud*ishunul speling req*īr at lēst 2 yirz tu lurn tu rēd Ingglish flūuntlē.

Or Yū U Kum-pashunut Pursun?

Thu prōp*ōzd hyūmanit*arēun projekt uv Litrusē Rēsurch Us*ōsēuts, Ink. and NūIngglish, Ink. (sē U-BOUT US) wil definutlē and purmununtlē end Ingglish funkshunul i-litrusē if en*uf pēpul resp*ond tu our req*est at thē end uv pāj 10. If yū kuns*idur yur-self tu bē kum-pashunut but dū not resp*ond tu our humbul req*est, Ī wil not bel*ēv yū — and nēthur wil enē-1 els hū undurst*andz thu sirēusnus uv thu problum uv Ingglish funkshunul i-litrusē.

Aul-thō it iz posubul fōr pēpul tu bel*ēv hwut thā wont tu bel*ēv in spīt uv thu fakts prez*entud in thu 10 pājuz listud in thu sīd-bor (thu prūf uv thu 10 stātmunts ub*uv), ēvun thu mōst skeptikul rēdur wil hav trubul dism*ising thu much mōr kumpl*ēt and auttōrit*ātiv in-fōrm*āshun prez*entud in thu book Let's End Our Litrusē Krīsis, Rev*īzd Ed*ishun (hwich iz deskr*ībd at thē end uv pāj 10 listud in thu sīd-bor).

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